What Is FundingWay?

FundingWay offers loan and financial service products to consumers.  It is the online portal of Auto Credit Express®, Inc.






















What is the FundingWay Affiliate Program

The Affiliate Program allows you to refer your visitors to FundingWay. By placing a FundingWay link on your Web site, you'll provide your visitors with instant access to our products and services. Whenever one of your visitors becomes a qualified lead, you get a referral fee from FundingWay.





















Why is FundingWay different that other loan affiliates?


FundingWay allows webmasters greater flexibility than most affiliate programs.  For Example, webmaster can send referrals right to our application page.  At your request the application page can contain only your logo.  Most other affiliate programs send consumers to a new home page.  This causes confusion with consumers, especially if they felt comfortable with your site. FundingWay offers many other benefits as well, see our program details for more information.
























Can Anyone join the program? What are the qualifications?

For starters, you'll need a Web site that meets the basic requirements set by FundingWay. Most sites will qualify to participate in the program. After passing review and accepting the Affiliate Program Agreement, you'll receive the tools and support you need to maximize sales through your site. Your only responsibility will be to use the specially designed banners and links provided by FundingWay.























Why should I join the program?

First, you can make money with little effort on your part. FundingWay handles everything, including the tracking of referrals, so you always get credit. In addition, becoming an Affiliate also allows you to add value to your site by offering your visitors more reasons to keep coming back.






















How do I get started

It's simple. Just read and accept the Affiliate Program Agreement and complete the online enrollment form. FundingWay will contact you to let you know if you've been approved. After that, FundingWay provides everything you need to get started.





















Will it cost me anything to join?

No. Just add the banners to your site and you're on your way.
























How much can I earn as an Affiliate

Earnings will vary considerably from site to site because of many factors, such as how much traffic your site gets daily and what type of site you operate. For example, a high-traffic public information site would most likely generate more referrals than a fan site for a rock band. Obviously, it's important to consider what type of visitors your site attracts before becoming an affiliate.






















How do I Track the Traffic I send to FundingWay Affiliates?

Once you become an Affiliate, FundingWay will provide you with online access to tracking and sales information about your referral traffic. The reports will provide information on click-thrus and leads generated.


























Are there any penalties for terminating the relationship?

No. If you decide to terminate your relationship, you'll receive a check for all referrals right up until your termination date.























Do I Create my own links and banners?

No. FundingWay will provide you with the tools to create links. It's important that you create the links using our tools because they create HTML code that identifies you in our tracking system. Failure to use the FundingWay tag generator could result in a loss of revenue from referrals since FundingWay will have no way to record where they came from.























Do I have to do anything other than set up the links?

No. Once you've set up the links, FundingWay does everything else from start to finish.


























What about traffic reporting and payment?

Through your account with FundingWay, you'll be able to access reports that are updated in real time. At the end of each month, if you've accumulated more than $40 in fees, you'll receive a check for the total amount you've earned for qualified leads. Any unpaid amounts will be carried forward to the next month. If doesn't get much easier than that.